We monitor drought and climate conditions across the state on a weekly basis. Visit our
drought update page for the latest conditions and drought indices we look at. Every Tuesday,
we send recommendations to the U.S. Drought Monitor for drought depictions based on these conditions.
Colorado Drought in the News
Drought Webinar Series
Please join us for our monthly Colorado climate and drought update webinars. Current
conditions around Colorado will be presented, including precipitation, temperature,
snowpack, soils, streams, and reservoirs. An outlook will also be presented. Following
the presentation of conditions, we will discuss the current drought depiction over the
state and open the floor for discussion. Presentation of conditions and outlook generally
lasts 35 minutes, and open discussion is about 15 minutes.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 14 2023, at 10am MST
Drought Resources
We've archived summaries, recommendations, and graphics for drought monitoring back to 2010.