CoAgMet Station Monthly Data Access

Use this page to extract monthly data for selected meteorological elements for CoAgMet stations. Click here for documentation on the data format and codes.

Select Stations:
Use CTRL to select multiple stations.
Select years:
Use CTRL to select years.
Station ftc01

Irrigation Status Key*
Fully Irrigated
Partially Irrigated
Select parameters:
Monthly mean minimum temperature.
Monthly mean maximum temperature.
Monthly mean temperature.
Total monthly precipitation.
Total monthly reference evapotranspiration.
Number of days with >= 0.1 inches precipitation.
Number of days with >= 0.5 inches precipitation.
Number of days with >= 1.0 inches precipitation.
Number of days with min. temp. <= 0 deg.F.
Number of days with min. temp. <= 32 deg.F.
Number of days with max. temp. >= 90 deg.F.
Number of days with max. temp. <= 32 deg.F.
Extreme max. daily precip. and day of occurence.
Extreme min. temp. and day of occurence.
Extreme max. temp. and day of occurence.
Monthly heating degree days, 65 deg.F base.
Select Output Process
List in raw format
Formatted list only
Summary only
Both summary and list